
Event Spotlight:
Earth Day 2025

Show your love for the planet by attending one of the many Earth Day and other festivals this spring. Delaware CCL will be represented at many of them, engaging visitors in respectful dialogue about climate solutions. Here's a partial list of places to look for us:

Helping out with tabling is a great way to get involved in CCL.
Contact us if you'd like to volunteer for an hour or two at one of our community outreach tables. We will train you!

March 17 6:15pm:  Green Drinks with Susan Love of DNREC

Green Drinks is networking for those interested in learning more about environmental protection and sustainability! Bringing together a lively mix of people involved in environmental issues, from volunteer advocates, nonprofits, academia, government agencies, and business. Meet up with others looking to learn more about environmental issues, socialize, engage in advocacy, and have a bit of fun! Virtual meet-ups are held on the third Monday of the month — bring your own beverage of choice!  Register here.

Our March speaker is Susan Love, administrator of the Climate and Sustainability Section at DNREC, who will provide an overview of progress toward implementing the state’s 2021 Climate Action Plan and meeting Delaware’s climate goals. She will also highlight opportunities to engage in the development of the 2025 Climate Action Plan.

April 13 • 4:00pm:  Delaware Statewide Chapter Meeting 

Delaware Statewide Chapter meetings are generally held on the second Sunday of the month from 4–5:30pm. Occasionally holidays or events may result in meetings being moved to a different day  for example, our May meeting will be held on May 18 to avoid Mother's Day. Contact the group leaders to receive a Zoom link and agenda for the meeting. 

May 147:30pm:  Delaware Statewide Welcome Meeting 

This is a meeting for new and newly curious members of CCL and is structured as a casual conversation between you and two or three experienced volunteers, so we can get to know you and you can get to know us and have all your questions about CCL answered. Registration is required so we know how many folks to expect. Sign up here and you'll receive a link to the meeting.

May 18 • 4:00pm:  Delaware Statewide Chapter Meeting 

Delaware Statewide Chapter meetings are generally held on the second Sunday of the month from 4–5:30pm. Occasionally holidays or events may result in meetings being moved to a different day —  for example, our May meeting will be held on May 18 to avoid Mother's Day. Contact the group leaders to receive a Zoom link and agenda for the meeting.